Request Information

URI Parameters

System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[Connections.API.Areas.HelpPage.ModelDescriptions.ParameterDescription] IList
id globally unique identifier

Guid ID of the individual for which to return dialogs.

startDate date

Returns dialogs from this date forward.

endDate date

If set with StartDate returns up to this date, otherwise only returns this date.

Body Parameters


Response Information

Resource Description (MyDialog)

System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[Connections.API.Areas.HelpPage.ModelDescriptions.ParameterDescription] IList
MyOpenTasks integer ReadOnly

Number of open tasks on the dialog that are assigned to the given individual.

OpenTasks integer ReadOnly

Number of open tasks on the dialog.

AncestorName string ReadOnly

Name of the ancestor for the dialog.

Relation string ReadOnly

Displays the type of dialog; Org, Ind, dept, ReportsTo.

ID globally unique identifier Required on Update

ID of the given Dialog.

AncestorID globally unique identifier Required on Create

ID of the ancestor of the given dialog.

DialogDate date Required

Date the given dialog was created.

Name string

Name of the given dialog. (Max length 255 characters)

Location string

Location of the given dialog. (Max length 50 characters)

Agenda string

Agenda of the given dialog.

SiteID globally unique identifier ReadOnly

ID of the site for the given dialog.

AncestorType byte ReadOnly

Ancestor type (organization, individual, project, or task) of the given dialog.

Deleted boolean ReadOnly

Deleted status of the given dialog.

DeletedByRef boolean ReadOnly

Deleted by reference status of the given dialog.

Created date ReadOnly

Date that the given dialog was created.

CreatedBy globally unique identifier ReadOnly

ID of the individual that created the given dialog.

Updated date ReadOnly

Date the given dialog was last updated.

UpdatedBy globally unique identifier ReadOnly

ID of the individual that last updated the given dialog.

Template boolean ReadOnly

Indicates the given dialog is a template.

Draft boolean ReadOnly

Indicates the given dialog is a Draft.

LastCommentDate date ReadOnly

Date of the most recent comment for the given dialog.

LastCommentByID globally unique identifier ReadOnly

ID of the individual who posted the most recent comment for the given dialog.

LastCommentBy string ReadOnly

Name of the individual who posted the most recent comment for the given dialog.

LastComment string ReadOnly

Body of the most recent comment for the given dialog.

CanRead boolean ReadOnly

Read security setting for the object based on the current logged in user.

CanUpdate boolean ReadOnly

Update security setting for the object based on the current logged in user.

CanDelete boolean ReadOnly

Delete security setting for the object based on the current logged in user.

CanDelegate boolean ReadOnly

Delegate security setting for the object based on the current logged in user.

RowType integer ReadOnly

Row Type of the dialog (9 = Org Dialog, 25 = Project Dialog, 38 Individual Dialog,

DialogOccurred boolean ReadOnly

This denotes if the system considers the dialog completed or not. For the system to consider it completed a dialog must have either a comment or a follow up task.

Response Formats

application/xml, text/xml

<MyDialog xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
  <DialogDate xmlns:d2p1="">
  <Name>sample string 4</Name>
  <Location>sample string 5</Location>
  <Agenda>sample string 6</Agenda>
  <LastCommentDate xmlns:d2p1="">
  <LastCommentBy>sample string 7</LastCommentBy>
  <LastComment>sample string 8</LastComment>
  <AncestorName>sample string 1</AncestorName>
  <Relation>sample string 2</Relation>

application/json, text/json

  "ID": "7a5977a5-8572-4637-81b9-06e2a2dfc9c5",
  "AncestorID": "a5bb3290-c953-4647-8e40-0c1ab63d2701",
  "DialogDate": "2025-03-06T18:46:37.4950361+00:00",
  "Name": "sample string 4",
  "Location": "sample string 5",
  "Agenda": "sample string 6",
  "SiteID": "98b5ac47-fdff-4435-a88c-f2ea50e02e0c",
  "AncestorType": 64,
  "Deleted": true,
  "DeletedByRef": true,
  "Created": "2025-03-06T18:46:37.4950361+00:00",
  "CreatedBy": "b6b64aef-6a78-439e-bf4f-38b1a328a721",
  "Updated": "2025-03-06T18:46:37.4950361+00:00",
  "UpdatedBy": "a1ad00f9-b43e-4ff9-979e-ae0fd732d83a",
  "Template": true,
  "Draft": true,
  "LastCommentDate": "2025-03-06T18:46:37.4950361+00:00",
  "LastCommentByID": "1ca4c89d-360e-4905-9af0-3c3667edc8f7",
  "LastCommentBy": "sample string 7",
  "LastComment": "sample string 8",
  "CanRead": true,
  "CanUpdate": true,
  "CanDelete": true,
  "CanDelegate": true,
  "MyOpenTasks": 1,
  "RowType": 1,
  "OpenTasks": 1,
  "DialogOccurred": true,
  "AncestorName": "sample string 1",
  "Relation": "sample string 2"