Request Information

URI Parameters

System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[Connections.API.Areas.HelpPage.ModelDescriptions.ParameterDescription] IList
metricid globally unique identifier Required

Guid ID of the metric for which to read metric owners.

Body Parameters


Response Information

Resource Description (Individual)

System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[Connections.API.Areas.HelpPage.ModelDescriptions.ParameterDescription] IList
ID globally unique identifier Required on Update

ID of the given individual.

SiteID globally unique identifier ReadOnly

ID of the site for the given individual.

IsAdmin boolean

Administrator setting for the given individual.

UserID globally unique identifier ReadOnly

User ID of the given individual.

Prefix string

Prefix of the given individual's name. (Max length 25 characters)

Suffix string

Suffix of the given individual's name. (Max length 25 characters)

FirstName string Required

First name of the given individual. (Max length 50 characters)

LastName string Required

Last name of the given individual. (Max length 50 characters)

UserDefined1 string

User defined field one. (Max length 255 characters)

UserDefined2 string

User defined field two. (Max length 255 characters)

UserDefined3 string

User defined field three. (Max length 255 characters)

UserDefined4 string

User defined field four. (Max length 255 characters)

Email string Required on Create

Email address of the given individual. (Max length 255 characters)

PrimaryOrganizationID globally unique identifier Required on Create

ID of the primary organization of the given individual.

PrimaryTitle string Required on Create

Title of the given individual. (Max length 255 characters)

PrimaryReportsTo globally unique identifier Required on Create

ID of the primary reports to person for the given individual.

UserName string Required

User name of the given individual. (Max length 255 characters)

Password string

Password of the given individual(Used for create and update). (This varible has been Deprecated and may be removed at a later date.)

ParentID globally unique identifier Required on Create

Deprecated, this is no longer used and is always null.

PrimaryOrganizationName string ReadOnly

Name of the primary organization for the given individual.

FullName string ReadOnly

Full name of the given individual.

FormalName string ReadOnly

Formal name of the given individual.

FullOrderedName string ReadOnly

Full ordered name of the given individual.

Deleted boolean ReadOnly

Deleted status of the given individual.

DeletedByRef boolean ReadOnly

Deleted by reference status of the given individual.

Created date ReadOnly

Date the given individual was created.

CreatedBy globally unique identifier ReadOnly

ID of the person that created the given individual.

Updated date ReadOnly

Date the given individual was last updated.

UpdatedBy globally unique identifier ReadOnly

ID of the person that last updated the given individual.

IsGlobalAdmin boolean ReadOnly

Global administrator setting for the given individual.

UserEmail string Required on Create

User email address of the given individual. (This varible has been Deprecated and may be removed at a later date.)

LastComment string ReadOnly

Body of the most recent comment for the given individual.

LastCommentDate date ReadOnly

Date of the most recent comment for the given individual.

LastCommentByID globally unique identifier ReadOnly

ID of the individual who created the most recent comment for the given individual.

LastCommentBy string ReadOnly

Name of the individual who created the most recent comment for the given individual.

CanRead boolean ReadOnly

Read security setting for the individual based on the current logged in user.

CanUpdate boolean ReadOnly

Update security setting for the individual based on the current logged in user.

CanDelete boolean ReadOnly

Delete security setting for the individual based on the current logged in user.

CanDelegate boolean ReadOnly

Delegate security setting for the individual based on the current logged in user.

SendEvalSurvey boolean ReadOnly

Send Individual Evaluation Surveys

HireDate date

Date the given Individual was hired.

Response Formats

application/xml, text/xml

<Individual xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
  <Prefix>sample string 1</Prefix>
  <Suffix>sample string 2</Suffix>
  <FirstName>sample string 3</FirstName>
  <LastName>sample string 4</LastName>
  <UserDefined1>sample string 5</UserDefined1>
  <UserDefined2>sample string 6</UserDefined2>
  <UserDefined3>sample string 7</UserDefined3>
  <UserDefined4>sample string 8</UserDefined4>
  <Email>sample string 9</Email>
  <PrimaryTitle>sample string 10</PrimaryTitle>
  <UserName>sample string 11</UserName>
  <Password>sample string 12</Password>
  <PrimaryOrganizationName>sample string 13</PrimaryOrganizationName>
  <FullName>sample string 14</FullName>
  <FormalName>sample string 15</FormalName>
  <FullOrderedName>sample string 16</FullOrderedName>
  <UserEmail>sample string 19</UserEmail>
  <LastComment>sample string 20</LastComment>
  <LastCommentDate xmlns:d2p1="">
  <LastCommentBy>sample string 21</LastCommentBy>

application/json, text/json

  "ID": "d4973c37-f1c8-496d-8589-9960d526988b",
  "SiteID": "b3031c5f-24f2-402f-9045-31fadfde2c11",
  "IsAdmin": true,
  "UserID": "e3a5b1ca-9936-4bda-8269-81335d7dbf84",
  "Prefix": "sample string 1",
  "Suffix": "sample string 2",
  "FirstName": "sample string 3",
  "LastName": "sample string 4",
  "UserDefined1": "sample string 5",
  "UserDefined2": "sample string 6",
  "UserDefined3": "sample string 7",
  "UserDefined4": "sample string 8",
  "Email": "sample string 9",
  "PrimaryOrganizationID": "2cef99d6-7f1d-4de5-b59f-ccaa471a97db",
  "PrimaryTitle": "sample string 10",
  "PrimaryReportsTo": "3cec2485-a613-4a68-a194-2182b52395b6",
  "UserName": "sample string 11",
  "Password": "sample string 12",
  "ParentID": "61b1ac44-e68d-4cbd-bc79-d34678204091",
  "PrimaryOrganizationName": "sample string 13",
  "FullName": "sample string 14",
  "FormalName": "sample string 15",
  "FullOrderedName": "sample string 16",
  "Deleted": true,
  "DeletedByRef": true,
  "Created": "2025-03-05T02:49:23.3987949+00:00",
  "CreatedBy": "fd291670-3b56-452c-ba92-ab1d97e014e4",
  "Updated": "2025-03-05T02:49:23.3987949+00:00",
  "UpdatedBy": "8ea7e9c8-f57b-490f-9cb9-0f7b5e5d9611",
  "IsGlobalAdmin": true,
  "UserEmail": "sample string 19",
  "LastComment": "sample string 20",
  "LastCommentDate": "2025-03-05T02:49:23.3987949+00:00",
  "LastCommentByID": "dd9f7692-eb96-49a4-a65d-b2867225f3f4",
  "LastCommentBy": "sample string 21",
  "CanRead": true,
  "CanUpdate": true,
  "CanDelete": true,
  "CanDelegate": true,
  "SendEvalSurvey": true,
  "HireDate": "2025-03-05T02:49:23.3987949+00:00"