Request Information

URI Parameters

System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[Connections.API.Areas.HelpPage.ModelDescriptions.ParameterDescription] IList
Id globally unique identifier Required

ID of the Organization or Department.

period integer

Number of the period for the performance data information.

Body Parameters


Response Information

Resource Description (Performance)

System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[Connections.API.Areas.HelpPage.ModelDescriptions.ParameterDescription] IList
SiteID globally unique identifier ReadOnly

ID of the site for the given survey results.

IndividualID globally unique identifier ReadOnly

ID of the Individual for the given performance survery.

RowType integer ReadOnly

Row type for the given survey details.

IndividualName string ReadOnly

Name of the individual.

OrganizationID globally unique identifier ReadOnly

ID of the organization for the given survey results.

OrganizationName string ReadOnly

Name of the organization for the given survey results.

PeriodID integer ReadOnly

ID of the period for the given survey.

StartDate date ReadOnly

Start date of the period.

EndDate date ReadOnly

End date of the period.

DepartmentCommitments decimal number ReadOnly

Average score for departments commitments.

IndividualCommitments decimal number ReadOnly

Average score for individual commitments.

Metrics decimal number ReadOnly

Average score for metrics.

Metrics8020 decimal number ReadOnly

Average score for 80/20 metrics.

DepartmentMetrics8020 decimal number ReadOnly

Average score for department 80/20 metrics.

ProjectEvaluationCriteria decimal number ReadOnly

Average score for project evaluation criteria completion.

ProjectLeaderAssessmentSections string ReadOnly

Project leader's assessment sections.

ProjectLeaderAssessmentScores string ReadOnly

Project leader's assessment scores.

ProjectLeaderAssessment decimal number ReadOnly

Average of Project leader's assessment scores.

ProjectTeamAssessmentSections string ReadOnly

Project team's assessment sections.

ProjectTeamAssessmentScores string ReadOnly

Project team's assessment scores.

ProjectTeamAssessment decimal number ReadOnly

Average score of the assessment for the project team.

DialogFollowups decimal number ReadOnly

Average score for dialog follow ups.

Goals decimal number ReadOnly

Average score for goal completion.

RelationshipCoachScores string ReadOnly

Coach's (the person in charge of the player) score for each of the relationships.

RelationshipCoach decimal number ReadOnly

Average score from the coach.

RelationshipPlayerScores string ReadOnly

Player's (the person who is the subject of the survery) score for each of the relationships.

RelationshipPlayer decimal number ReadOnly

Average score from the player.

CoreValues string ReadOnly

Names of the core values.

CoreValuesCoachScores string ReadOnly

Scores of the core values for the coach.

CoreValuesCoach decimal number ReadOnly

Average scores of the core values for the coach.

CoreValuesPlayerScores string ReadOnly

Scores of the core values for the player.

CoreValuesPlayer decimal number ReadOnly

Average scores of the core values for the player.

BasicRoles string ReadOnly

Names of the basic roles.

BasicRolesCoach decimal number ReadOnly

Average score of all the basic roles for the coach.

BasicRolesPlayer decimal number ReadOnly

Average score of all the basic roles for the player.

AssessmentDateRequested date ReadOnly

Date the assessment was requested.

AssessmentDateRequired date ReadOnly

Date the assessment needs to be completed.

AssessmentDateCompleted date ReadOnly

Date the assessment was completed.

AssessmentStatus string ReadOnly

Status of the assessment.

DepartmentMetrics decimal number ReadOnly

Metrics for the department.

DepartmentDialogs decimal number ReadOnly

Dialogs for the department.

ProjectDialogs decimal number ReadOnly

Dialogs for the project.

IndividualDialogs decimal number ReadOnly

Dialogs for the individual.

AssessmentSurveyID integer ReadOnly

ID of the assessment survey.

AssessmentStatusDate date ReadOnly

Date of the status for the assessment survey.

Relationships string ReadOnly

BasicRolesPlayerEnergy string ReadOnly

Energy of the player in regards to basic roles.

BasicRolesPlayerPerform string ReadOnly

Performance of the player in regards to basic roles.

BasicRolesPlayerSkill string ReadOnly

Skill level of the player in regards to basic roles.

BasicRolesCoachEnergy string ReadOnly

Energy of the coach in regards to basic roles.

BasicRolesCoachPerform string ReadOnly

Performance of the coach in regards to basic roles.

BasicRolesCoachSkill string ReadOnly

Skill level of the coach in regards to basic roles.

PlayerStrengths1 string ReadOnly

Player's strengths

PlayerStrengths2 string ReadOnly

Player's strengths

PlayerStrengths3 string ReadOnly

Player's strengths

PlayerStrengths1Elaborate string ReadOnly

Elaborate on the player's strength.

PlayerStrengths2Elaborate string ReadOnly

Elaborate on the player's strength.

PlayerStrengths3Elaborate string ReadOnly

Elaborate on the player's strength.

PlayerCoaching1 string ReadOnly

Player's coaching.

PlayerCoaching2 string ReadOnly

Player's coaching.

PlayerCoaching3 string ReadOnly

Player's coaching.

PlayerCoaching1Elaborate string ReadOnly

Elaborate on the player's coaching.

PlayerCoaching2Elaborate string ReadOnly

Elaborate on the player's coaching.

PlayerCoaching3Elaborate string ReadOnly

Elaborate on the player's coaching.

CoachStrengths1 string ReadOnly

Coach's strengths.

CoachStrengths2 string ReadOnly

Coach's strengths.

CoachStrengths3 string ReadOnly

Coach's strengths.

CoachStrengths1Elaborate string ReadOnly

Elaborate on the coach's strengths.

CoachStrengths2Elaborate string ReadOnly

Elaborate on the coach's strengths.

CoachStrengths3Elaborate string ReadOnly

Elaborate on the coach's strengths.

CoachCoaching1 string ReadOnly

Coach's coaching.

CoachCoaching2 string ReadOnly

Coach's coaching.

CoachCoaching3 string ReadOnly

Coach's coaching.

CoachCoaching1Elaborate string ReadOnly

Elaborate on the coach's coaching.

CoachCoaching2Elaborate string ReadOnly

Elaborate on the coach's coaching.

CoachCoaching3Elaborate string ReadOnly

Elaborate on the coach's coaching.

ProjectSelfAssessmentScores string ReadOnly

Self assessment scores for the project.

ProjectIndividualAssessmentScores string ReadOnly

Individual assessment scores for the project.

ProjectSelfAssessment decimal number ReadOnly

Self assessment for the project.

ProjectIndividualAssessment decimal number ReadOnly

Individual assessment for the project.

Response Formats

application/xml, text/xml

<Performance xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
  <IndividualName>sample string 1</IndividualName>
  <OrganizationName>sample string 2</OrganizationName>
  <ProjectLeaderAssessmentSections>sample string 3</ProjectLeaderAssessmentSections>
  <ProjectLeaderAssessmentScores>sample string 4</ProjectLeaderAssessmentScores>
  <ProjectTeamAssessmentSections>sample string 5</ProjectTeamAssessmentSections>
  <ProjectTeamAssessmentScores>sample string 6</ProjectTeamAssessmentScores>
  <RelationshipCoachScores>sample string 7</RelationshipCoachScores>
  <RelationshipPlayerScores>sample string 8</RelationshipPlayerScores>
  <CoreValues>sample string 9</CoreValues>
  <CoreValuesCoachScores>sample string 10</CoreValuesCoachScores>
  <CoreValuesPlayerScores>sample string 11</CoreValuesPlayerScores>
  <BasicRoles>sample string 12</BasicRoles>
  <AssessmentStatus>sample string 13</AssessmentStatus>
  <Relationships>sample string 14</Relationships>
  <BasicRolesPlayerEnergy>sample string 15</BasicRolesPlayerEnergy>
  <BasicRolesPlayerPerform>sample string 16</BasicRolesPlayerPerform>
  <BasicRolesPlayerSkill>sample string 17</BasicRolesPlayerSkill>
  <BasicRolesCoachEnergy>sample string 18</BasicRolesCoachEnergy>
  <BasicRolesCoachPerform>sample string 19</BasicRolesCoachPerform>
  <BasicRolesCoachSkill>sample string 20</BasicRolesCoachSkill>
  <PlayerStrengths1>sample string 21</PlayerStrengths1>
  <PlayerStrengths2>sample string 22</PlayerStrengths2>
  <PlayerStrengths3>sample string 23</PlayerStrengths3>
  <PlayerStrengths1Elaborate>sample string 24</PlayerStrengths1Elaborate>
  <PlayerStrengths2Elaborate>sample string 25</PlayerStrengths2Elaborate>
  <PlayerStrengths3Elaborate>sample string 26</PlayerStrengths3Elaborate>
  <PlayerCoaching1>sample string 27</PlayerCoaching1>
  <PlayerCoaching2>sample string 28</PlayerCoaching2>
  <PlayerCoaching3>sample string 29</PlayerCoaching3>
  <PlayerCoaching1Elaborate>sample string 30</PlayerCoaching1Elaborate>
  <PlayerCoaching2Elaborate>sample string 31</PlayerCoaching2Elaborate>
  <PlayerCoaching3Elaborate>sample string 32</PlayerCoaching3Elaborate>
  <CoachStrengths1>sample string 33</CoachStrengths1>
  <CoachStrengths2>sample string 34</CoachStrengths2>
  <CoachStrengths3>sample string 35</CoachStrengths3>
  <CoachStrengths1Elaborate>sample string 36</CoachStrengths1Elaborate>
  <CoachStrengths2Elaborate>sample string 37</CoachStrengths2Elaborate>
  <CoachStrengths3Elaborate>sample string 38</CoachStrengths3Elaborate>
  <CoachCoaching1>sample string 39</CoachCoaching1>
  <CoachCoaching2>sample string 40</CoachCoaching2>
  <CoachCoaching3>sample string 41</CoachCoaching3>
  <CoachCoaching1Elaborate>sample string 42</CoachCoaching1Elaborate>
  <CoachCoaching2Elaborate>sample string 43</CoachCoaching2Elaborate>
  <CoachCoaching3Elaborate>sample string 44</CoachCoaching3Elaborate>
  <ProjectSelfAssessmentScores>sample string 45</ProjectSelfAssessmentScores>
  <ProjectIndividualAssessmentScores>sample string 46</ProjectIndividualAssessmentScores>

application/json, text/json

  "SiteID": "064f4d18-abff-478f-b847-0c31906155a9",
  "IndividualID": "a847b951-4f0a-44be-9459-344c4cda5577",
  "RowType": 1,
  "IndividualName": "sample string 1",
  "OrganizationID": "60ddf763-1996-44f9-8b3e-b7f4ad5eefa0",
  "OrganizationName": "sample string 2",
  "PeriodID": 1,
  "StartDate": "2025-03-06T22:36:11.6487226+00:00",
  "EndDate": "2025-03-06T22:36:11.6487226+00:00",
  "DepartmentCommitments": 1.0,
  "IndividualCommitments": 1.0,
  "Metrics": 1.0,
  "Metrics8020": 1.0,
  "DepartmentMetrics8020": 1.0,
  "ProjectEvaluationCriteria": 1.0,
  "ProjectLeaderAssessmentSections": "sample string 3",
  "ProjectLeaderAssessmentScores": "sample string 4",
  "ProjectLeaderAssessment": 1.0,
  "ProjectTeamAssessmentSections": "sample string 5",
  "ProjectTeamAssessmentScores": "sample string 6",
  "ProjectTeamAssessment": 1.0,
  "DialogFollowups": 1.0,
  "Goals": 1.0,
  "RelationshipCoachScores": "sample string 7",
  "RelationshipCoach": 1.0,
  "RelationshipPlayerScores": "sample string 8",
  "RelationshipPlayer": 1.0,
  "CoreValues": "sample string 9",
  "CoreValuesCoachScores": "sample string 10",
  "CoreValuesCoach": 1.0,
  "CoreValuesPlayerScores": "sample string 11",
  "CoreValuesPlayer": 1.0,
  "BasicRoles": "sample string 12",
  "BasicRolesCoach": 1.0,
  "BasicRolesPlayer": 1.0,
  "AssessmentDateRequested": "2025-03-06T22:36:11.6487226+00:00",
  "AssessmentDateRequired": "2025-03-06T22:36:11.6487226+00:00",
  "AssessmentDateCompleted": "2025-03-06T22:36:11.6487226+00:00",
  "AssessmentStatus": "sample string 13",
  "DepartmentMetrics": 1.0,
  "DepartmentDialogs": 1.0,
  "ProjectDialogs": 1.0,
  "IndividualDialogs": 1.0,
  "AssessmentSurveyID": 1,
  "AssessmentStatusDate": "2025-03-06T22:36:11.6487226+00:00",
  "Relationships": "sample string 14",
  "BasicRolesPlayerEnergy": "sample string 15",
  "BasicRolesPlayerPerform": "sample string 16",
  "BasicRolesPlayerSkill": "sample string 17",
  "BasicRolesCoachEnergy": "sample string 18",
  "BasicRolesCoachPerform": "sample string 19",
  "BasicRolesCoachSkill": "sample string 20",
  "PlayerStrengths1": "sample string 21",
  "PlayerStrengths2": "sample string 22",
  "PlayerStrengths3": "sample string 23",
  "PlayerStrengths1Elaborate": "sample string 24",
  "PlayerStrengths2Elaborate": "sample string 25",
  "PlayerStrengths3Elaborate": "sample string 26",
  "PlayerCoaching1": "sample string 27",
  "PlayerCoaching2": "sample string 28",
  "PlayerCoaching3": "sample string 29",
  "PlayerCoaching1Elaborate": "sample string 30",
  "PlayerCoaching2Elaborate": "sample string 31",
  "PlayerCoaching3Elaborate": "sample string 32",
  "CoachStrengths1": "sample string 33",
  "CoachStrengths2": "sample string 34",
  "CoachStrengths3": "sample string 35",
  "CoachStrengths1Elaborate": "sample string 36",
  "CoachStrengths2Elaborate": "sample string 37",
  "CoachStrengths3Elaborate": "sample string 38",
  "CoachCoaching1": "sample string 39",
  "CoachCoaching2": "sample string 40",
  "CoachCoaching3": "sample string 41",
  "CoachCoaching1Elaborate": "sample string 42",
  "CoachCoaching2Elaborate": "sample string 43",
  "CoachCoaching3Elaborate": "sample string 44",
  "ProjectSelfAssessmentScores": "sample string 45",
  "ProjectIndividualAssessmentScores": "sample string 46",
  "ProjectSelfAssessment": 1.0,
  "ProjectIndividualAssessment": 1.0