Request Information

URI Parameters

System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[Connections.API.Areas.HelpPage.ModelDescriptions.ParameterDescription] IList
ancestorid globally unique identifier Required

Individual, organization, or project ID.

Body Parameters


Response Information

Resource Description (Archive)

System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[Connections.API.Areas.HelpPage.ModelDescriptions.ParameterDescription] IList
ID globally unique identifier ReadOnly

ID of the given archive.

SiteID globally unique identifier ReadOnly

ID of the site for the given archive.

AncestorType byte ReadOnly

Ancestor type of the given archived object.

AncestorID globally unique identifier ReadOnly

Ancestor ID of the given archived object.

Name string ReadOnly

Name of the given archived object.

AncestorName string ReadOnly

Name of the ancestor of the given archive object.

RowType integer ReadOnly

Row type of the given archived object.

ArchiveDate string ReadOnly

Date the given archive was created.

ArchivedBy globally unique identifier ReadOnly

ID of the individual that created the given archive.

ArchiveName string ReadOnly

Name of the given archive.

ArchiveComment string ReadOnly

Comment about the given archive.

ArchiveID globally unique identifier ReadOnly

ID of the given archive.

Response Formats

application/xml, text/xml

<Archive xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
  <AncestorName>sample string 2</AncestorName>
  <ArchiveComment>sample string 5</ArchiveComment>
  <ArchiveName>sample string 4</ArchiveName>
  <Name>sample string 1</Name>

application/json, text/json

  "ID": "d9d6637b-bfaa-44c9-ad7e-05baef30341b",
  "SiteID": "0cf520a3-ce04-4b65-88ab-e3b529c72fb3",
  "AncestorType": 64,
  "AncestorID": "d334c3dd-5397-4af5-a8bc-c5816cae0842",
  "Name": "sample string 1",
  "AncestorName": "sample string 2",
  "RowType": 1,
  "ArchivedBy": "d6d1127c-bae7-4111-8a0f-90aadd623ea5",
  "ArchiveName": "sample string 4",
  "ArchiveComment": "sample string 5",
  "ArchiveID": "64de7c4f-c500-4d30-86df-213ad89634ca"