Request Information

URI Parameters

System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[Connections.API.Areas.HelpPage.ModelDescriptions.ParameterDescription] IList
isCompletedStatus boolean

Denotes if the project is currently in the completed status.

isEndDateActualSet boolean

Denotes if the project currently has it's end date actual set.

Body Parameters


Response Information

Resource Description (ReportTask)

System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[Connections.API.Areas.HelpPage.ModelDescriptions.ParameterDescription] IList
ID globally unique identifier

ID of the Task.

AncestorID globally unique identifier

ID of the ancestor for a task; department, organization, or individual.

ParentID globally unique identifier

ID of the project above a task.

Name string

Name of the task. (Max length 255 characters)

Priority integer

Priority of the task. Valid inputs are: 1= low, 2 = normal, 3 = high, or null.

Rank integer

Rank of the task.

RankPath Collection of byte

Current rank of the given task in a byte array.

RankOrder string

RankOrder to sort rank in the format .0001.0001.0001 (This always returns null when reading a single task by ID.)

DisplayRank string

Rank that is displayed

HoursActual decimal number

Number of actual hours this task took.

StartDateActual string

Date this task was actually started.

EndDateActual string

Date this task was completed.

SumHoursActual decimal number

Sum of the actual number of hours this task took.

SumHoursProjected decimal number

Sum of the number of hours this task is projected to take.

EndDate string

Date the task actually ended or projected to end.

StartDate string

Date the task actually started or projected to start.

ColorName string

Name of the color for the task.

MileStone boolean

Denotes if this is a milestone task or not.

Description string

Task description

Level integer

Indention level on the task.

EndDateProjected string

Date the task is expected to be finished.

StartDateProjected string

Date the task is expected to start.

Response Formats

application/xml, text/xml

<ReportTask xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
  <Name>sample string 1</Name>
  <RankOrder>sample string 2</RankOrder>
  <DisplayRank>sample string 3</DisplayRank>
  <ColorName>sample string 8</ColorName>
  <Description>sample string 9</Description>

application/json, text/json

  "ID": "0dd570eb-1467-48e4-8f6c-c43032a61137",
  "AncestorID": "ad0f6b3c-df3f-485a-8183-6d5fc1d44dd2",
  "ParentID": "98440df2-341a-4907-b636-b4cf58f15cdb",
  "Name": "sample string 1",
  "Priority": 1,
  "Rank": 1,
  "RankPath": "QEA=",
  "RankOrder": "sample string 2",
  "DisplayRank": "sample string 3",
  "HoursActual": 1.0,
  "SumHoursActual": 1.0,
  "SumHoursProjected": 1.0,
  "ColorName": "sample string 8",
  "MileStone": true,
  "Description": "sample string 9",
  "Level": 1