Request Information

URI Parameters

System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[Connections.API.Areas.HelpPage.ModelDescriptions.ParameterDescription] IList
id globally unique identifier Required

Guid ID of the task to restore.

tz string

Optional parameter to set time zone information.

Body Parameters


Response Information

Resource Description (Task)

System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[Connections.API.Areas.HelpPage.ModelDescriptions.ParameterDescription] IList
ID globally unique identifier Required on Update

ID of the Task.

AncestorID globally unique identifier Required on Create

ID of the ancestor for a task; department, organization, or individual.

ParentID globally unique identifier

ID of the project above a task.

Name string Required

Name of the task. (Max length 255 characters)

Description string

Description of the task.

Priority integer

Priority of the task. Valid inputs are: 1= low, 2 = normal, 3 = high, or null.

Rank integer

Rank of the task.

Color string

Hex value for the color of the given task.

HoursActual decimal number

Number of actual hours this task took.

HoursProjected decimal number

Number of hours this task is projected to take.

StartDateActual string

Date this task was actually started.

StartDateProjected string

Date this task is projected to start.

EndDateActual string

Date this task was completed.

EndDateProjected string

Date this task is projected to complete.

Milestone boolean

Displays if this task is a milestone or not.

TrackingLabel string

Customizable label for task. (Max length 50 characters)

NearHighlightOverride integer

Override the near due date highlights settings for a specific task.

SiteID globally unique identifier ReadOnly

ID of the site for the task.

RankPath Collection of byte ReadOnly

Current rank of the given task in a byte array.

RankOrder string ReadOnly

RankOrder to sort rank in the format .0001.0001.0001 (This always returns null when reading a single task by ID.)

DisplayRank string ReadOnly

Rank that is displayed

Level integer ReadOnly

Number of indent levels, Ex: 1 = 1, 1.1 = 2, 1.1.1 = 3 (This always returns null when reading a single task by ID.)

SumHoursActual decimal number ReadOnly

Sum of the actual number of hours this task took.

SumHoursProjected decimal number ReadOnly

Sum of the number of hours this task is projected to take.

Deleted boolean ReadOnly

Deleted status of the task.

DeletedByRef boolean ReadOnly

Deleted by reference status of the task.

Created date ReadOnly

Date the task was created.

CreatedBy globally unique identifier ReadOnly

ID of the person that created the task.

Updated date ReadOnly

Date when the task was last updated.

UpdatedBy globally unique identifier ReadOnly

ID of the person that updated the task.

PeopleResponsible string ReadOnly

Names of the People responsible for this task.

PeopleResponsibleList Collection of PersonResponsible ReadOnly

List and details of all the people responsible for the given task.

LastComment string ReadOnly

Body of the most recent comment for the given task.

LastCommentDate date ReadOnly

Date of the most recent comment for the given task.

LastCommentByID globally unique identifier ReadOnly

ID of the individual who posted the most recent comment for the given task.

LastCommentBy string ReadOnly

Name of the individual who posted the most recent comment for the given task.

Draft boolean ReadOnly

Displays if this task is a draft or not.

RowType integer ReadOnly

Row type of the task.

AncestorType byte ReadOnly

Row type of the Ancestor.

AncestorName string ReadOnly

Name of the task's Ancestor.

ColorName string ReadOnly

Name of the task's color.

ColorRank integer ReadOnly

Rank of the task's color.

EndDate string ReadOnly

Date the task actually ended or projected to end.

StartDate string ReadOnly

Date the task actually started or projected to start.

NearHighlight integer ReadOnly

Near due date highlights settings for a specific task.

CanRead boolean ReadOnly

Read security setting for the object based on the current logged in user.

CanUpdate boolean ReadOnly

Update security setting for the object based on the current logged in user.

CanDelete boolean ReadOnly

Delete security setting for the object based on the current logged in user.

CanDelegate boolean ReadOnly

Delegate security setting for the object based on the current logged in user.

IsRecurring boolean

This denotes if the task will reoccur when it is completed.

Interval integer

Interval of the recurring task.

IntervalQualifier string

Interval type for the task. This can be: Day, Month, Week, or Year

MonthOption boolean

If it is monthly ex 2nd tuesday

DayOfMonth byte

Sets day of the month the task should reoccur

WeekDayInstance byte

1-5 Tuesday

WeekDay byte

Day of the week.

Sunday boolean

Denotes if this task should repeat on Sunday.

Monday boolean

Denotes if this task should repeat on Monday.

Tuesday boolean

Denotes if this task should repeat on Tuesday.

Wednesday boolean

Denotes if this task should repeat on Wednesday.

Thursday boolean

Denotes if this task should repeat on Thursday.

Friday boolean

Denotes if this task should repeat on Friday.

Saturday boolean

Denotes if this task should repeat on Saturday.

PreviousTask globally unique identifier ReadOnly

ID of the previous task.

NextTask globally unique identifier ReadOnly

ID of the next task. Recurrence can no longer be set if this is not null.

NewPeople string

List of comma separated GUID Individual IDs to add to a new task.

Response Formats

application/xml, text/xml

<Task xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
  <Name>sample string 1</Name>
  <Description>sample string 2</Description>
  <Color>sample string 3</Color>
  <TrackingLabel>sample string 8</TrackingLabel>
  <RankOrder>sample string 9</RankOrder>
  <DisplayRank>sample string 10</DisplayRank>
  <PeopleResponsible>sample string 11</PeopleResponsible>
      <FullName>sample string 1</FullName>
      <FullName>sample string 1</FullName>
  <LastComment>sample string 12</LastComment>
  <LastCommentDate xmlns:d2p1="">
  <LastCommentBy>sample string 13</LastCommentBy>
  <AncestorName>sample string 14</AncestorName>
  <ColorName>sample string 15</ColorName>
  <IntervalQualifier>sample string 19</IntervalQualifier>
  <NewPeople>sample string 27</NewPeople>

application/json, text/json

  "ID": "11a87f7b-1f0e-4831-8ec0-3d1e917f71a8",
  "AncestorID": "96b3a320-65b1-45c8-8d87-5eecc48a9f1b",
  "ParentID": "fb356c3e-6303-41a7-84ec-f220bec7aa6b",
  "Name": "sample string 1",
  "Description": "sample string 2",
  "Priority": 1,
  "Rank": 1,
  "Color": "sample string 3",
  "HoursActual": 1.0,
  "HoursProjected": 1.0,
  "Milestone": true,
  "TrackingLabel": "sample string 8",
  "NearHighlightOverride": 1,
  "SiteID": "01fa9dc8-c582-4377-b569-f8a4570ec03c",
  "RankPath": "QEA=",
  "RankOrder": "sample string 9",
  "DisplayRank": "sample string 10",
  "Level": 1,
  "SumHoursActual": 1.0,
  "SumHoursProjected": 1.0,
  "Deleted": true,
  "DeletedByRef": true,
  "Created": "2025-03-05T15:12:58.9022444+00:00",
  "CreatedBy": "7c1b4adc-cc77-4cde-b545-374b44b16ff3",
  "Updated": "2025-03-05T15:12:58.9022444+00:00",
  "UpdatedBy": "e0f36b9a-babc-49a9-bc51-fec94147fb3c",
  "PeopleResponsible": "sample string 11",
  "PeopleResponsibleList": [
      "TaskID": "58c64d10-4625-4eab-88a0-0bfec862057e",
      "IndividualID": "746f72dd-cce7-4028-944c-65a43dbd9f9c",
      "HoursProjected": 1.0,
      "HoursActual": 1.0,
      "ID": "1696f06f-82d2-4aa0-b917-887d6205b8e1",
      "TaskIndividualGroupID": "5da601a8-ace6-488e-bd0d-18e23ca7bdaa",
      "Created": "2025-03-05T15:12:58.9022444+00:00",
      "CreatedBy": "a811e57b-4c2b-4251-b35e-37b0a0be7919",
      "SiteID": "984243e7-b217-4d5d-8e35-dd279f219698",
      "Updated": "2025-03-05T15:12:58.9022444+00:00",
      "UpdatedBy": "be8392e1-fc7d-4e4e-aed5-d2677d74d055",
      "HoursActualRollup": 1.0,
      "HoursProjectedRollup": 1.0,
      "FullName": "sample string 1"
      "TaskID": "58c64d10-4625-4eab-88a0-0bfec862057e",
      "IndividualID": "746f72dd-cce7-4028-944c-65a43dbd9f9c",
      "HoursProjected": 1.0,
      "HoursActual": 1.0,
      "ID": "1696f06f-82d2-4aa0-b917-887d6205b8e1",
      "TaskIndividualGroupID": "5da601a8-ace6-488e-bd0d-18e23ca7bdaa",
      "Created": "2025-03-05T15:12:58.9022444+00:00",
      "CreatedBy": "a811e57b-4c2b-4251-b35e-37b0a0be7919",
      "SiteID": "984243e7-b217-4d5d-8e35-dd279f219698",
      "Updated": "2025-03-05T15:12:58.9022444+00:00",
      "UpdatedBy": "be8392e1-fc7d-4e4e-aed5-d2677d74d055",
      "HoursActualRollup": 1.0,
      "HoursProjectedRollup": 1.0,
      "FullName": "sample string 1"
  "LastComment": "sample string 12",
  "LastCommentDate": "2025-03-05T15:12:58.9022444+00:00",
  "LastCommentByID": "186fe5e2-d947-4b9b-84d9-5637f5557050",
  "LastCommentBy": "sample string 13",
  "Draft": true,
  "RowType": 1,
  "AncestorType": 64,
  "AncestorName": "sample string 14",
  "ColorName": "sample string 15",
  "ColorRank": 1,
  "NearHighlight": 1,
  "CanRead": true,
  "CanUpdate": true,
  "CanDelete": true,
  "CanDelegate": true,
  "IsRecurring": true,
  "Interval": 1,
  "IntervalQualifier": "sample string 19",
  "MonthOption": true,
  "DayOfMonth": 64,
  "WeekDayInstance": 64,
  "WeekDay": 64,
  "Sunday": true,
  "Monday": true,
  "Tuesday": true,
  "Wednesday": true,
  "Thursday": true,
  "Friday": true,
  "Saturday": true,
  "PreviousTask": "34812b61-afe9-4bab-849c-0dc964aa6fa3",
  "NextTask": "b9df7293-d3f0-406c-ab2b-cdd4c8953619",
  "NewPeople": "sample string 27"